Friday, August 21, 2020

Can robots help businesses appear more human

Can robots help businesses appear more human Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Can robots help businesses appear more human?Updated On 14/06/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWe have all seen the movies with the common trope of robots taking over human jobs and wreaking havoc on the lives of humans. It is a popular argument and even a widely held fear. In reality, robotic process automation helps to execute various tasks, offering the opportunity for businesses to automate a wide variety of time-consuming processes. The draw for businesses is an obvious one, but can it indeed help individual employees as well? Some are saying that it does, and RPA can even help businesses to look more human. This article will provide the argument that robots have the ability to make businesses look more human.One of the main reasons that businesses are drawn to robotic process automation is that it helps to inspire their employees. Hear me out- the idea of a robot creatively inspiring anyone seems counterintuitive. However, the fact that robots take the manual labor out of working helps actual humans to be more creatively active in the work place. We will always need humans, but with robotic process automation, we allow humans to be what they are, human. Humans are not built for sitting on an assembly line doing the same thing over and over. The automation of this work allows for more innovation, and in the end, more human work to be done.With most people in this era not fully enjoying their job, the turnover rate is pretty high. This is especially true with jobs that are monotonous and do not take special skills and training to do. The cyclical resign-and-hire mode isn’t usually great for businesses that need specialized help. This is where the reliable robot comes in. With the advent of RPA, humans aren’t just pushed aside to let robots take care of business. Instead, they are promoted to interactive thinker and are trained to do jobs that only humans can do (which is usually judgment based). People are set to be more satisfied with their jobs, and more interested in general to make a career out of thinking.READWhy Your Business Needs Wi-Fi to SucceedWith the loss of one job to RPA, comes the advent of another. Of course, robots do not just come from nowhere and do need someone to have specialized knowledge of them for them to be run efficiently. This requires people to be trained in this field, enabling new jobs and new, higher level jobs. The idea of humans running the robots is proof that RPA has the capability of being a human job, making companies look more human and relatable to the general public.With anything, we must proceed with caution. Robotic process automation is a much-needed reformative process that will help to weed out monotonous manual labor in the long run. However, for it to be the most helpful to humans, we must sen sitively employ it, and make sure that humans are benefitting the most from the introduction of robotic process automation widely in the work force. We could be on our way to more creativity and innovation in business.

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