Monday, May 25, 2020
Wireless Network Security Abstract - 1520 Words
Wireless Network Security Abstract This is the study over the wireless network security. As the wireless communication has the different way of physical transport compared to wire environment of communication thus we have to use different measure to secure a network in wireless environment. Wireless networking has more security threats and vulnerabilities and we must have an effective management of it compare with wired technology which is more a management issue. Wireless networking has very important features as it offer firm and user’s flexibility, and portability with in the budget. It allow the users to get access to the network without the physical wired tied between them. It uses high frequency radio waves to communicate between devices. Introduction Wireless network has extended their user satisfaction capabilities as it is developing rapidly. It is open within the transmission range. To become the user choice of communication the wireless technology is successful because of its flexibility and easy to excess at any time anywhere by using their hand device. In wireless network it is difficult to limit the range of the radio transmission. Wireless network is unknown about the connected network the user can only view of the network from associated Access point. As there is moreShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography: Internal Control for Information Security1614 Words  | 7 PagesInternal Control for Information Security: Annotated Bibliography Making the case for Network Security. (2012, Apr 19). Retrieved from Wikibon Blog: This author addresses the central concerns regarding information security in the modern business world using broad strokes to make the importance of network security as a key business operation readily apparent to the reader. As the article is addressed primarily on business managers andRead MoreWireless Mess And Ad Hoc Network Study And Challenges1690 Words  | 7 Pages WIRELESS MESS AD HOC NETWORK STUDY AND CHALLENGES ANKUSH SHARMA (Lecturer in Computer Application Department) (Aryabhatta International College of Technical Education, Ajmer) Email- Abstract: In the recent time, there will be an increasing need to provide application platforms such as internet deployment for areas without infrastructure, wireless video streaming between moving objects, data exchange between office equipment etc. These applications can be solved with the help of wireless ad hocRead MoreWireless Security And Vulnerability In The Wireless Network1190 Words  | 5 Pages Vulnerability in the Wireless Network Rafael Reccy Seminole State College Abstract Wi-Fi can be found anywhere in this day in age, you can walk into almost any establishment and you’ll be sure to find their Wi-Fi, accessible from anywhere within their spaces. Each data packet being transmitted through the air, whether containing private, sensitive or insensitive information, is available for an attacker to capture. To fight against this, there have been some standards that have come out throughRead MoreUsing 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network1024 Words  | 5 PagesCOMPUTER NETWORKS RESEARCH PAPER PHASE-1 By, Venkata Kannepalli- 2628541 Durga Chetan Kumar- 2627862 Susheel Sarab-2660333 ABSTRACT 802.11 wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) becomes most important these days. Whether it would be simple range extender for a home wired Ethernet interface, or as a wireless interface, WLAN provides mobility, ease of access and affordable. Most of the 802.11 wireless network uses the frequency of 2.4GHz, which leads the network to be unsafe and more vulnerable thanRead More4g Wireless Mobile Communication Networks1582 Words  | 7 PagesABSTRACT 4G wireless mobile communication networks are been specified to support display, battery and computational power etc. 4G wireless mobile communication networks should not focus on air interface and data rate, but instead cover advance wireless mobile communication networks and high speed wireless access system into different platforms. The era of new wireless communication is evolving and it will soon penetrate into daily life and change the way we live. The key concept is integratingRead MoreSecure Data Aggregation Of Wireless Sensor Networks868 Words  | 4 Pagesdata aggregation in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive overview â€Æ' Abstract: Wireless sensor networks frequently consists of a huge number of less expensive radar networks that rigorously partial detecting,computation and communique abilities.due to source regulated radar nodules,this one is essential to diminish the extent of data broadcast so that the normal radar life span and the global bandwidth operation exist transmission in the network.As wireless sensor systems are frequentlyRead MoreChallenges Faced By Computer Network Security1501 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract- The rapid development in computer network technology leads to the security challenges faced by it at every step of its growth. Three main threats facing computer network security include: hackers, computer virus and denial of service attack. Safety factors of the network are mainly: resources sharing, data communication, computer virus and TCP/IP protocol security flaws. A safety network system should include at least three kinds of measures: legal measures, technical measures and reviewRead MoreEssay On 3G Security1429 Words  | 6 PagesWireless Networks: 3G Security Threats and Possible Solutions Md. Mahim Bin Firoj ID: 102-19-1239 Department of ETE E-mail: ABSTRACT Cellular communication has become an important factor in our daily life. It could be targeted by any hacker to steal the important information with destructive purpose. Therefore, we need to provide strong security for users so that hackers failed to achieve their purpose. In this article it has been discussed limitations of 3G cellular networksRead MoreWireless Sensor Networks ( Wsn ) Is A Key Innovation For The Wireless Network Technology1483 Words  | 6 PagesAbstractâ€â€Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is a key innovation for the wireless network technology. It generally has a large number of sensor nodes with a power unit, a sensing unit, a processing unit, a storage unit, and a wireless transmitter receiver. They are more vulnerable to attack then wired ones due to its nature and resources limitations. So as to overcome this security problems we can different types of Key Distribution and Hierarchical WSN. This paper gives more solutions to all problemsRead MoreImportanc e Of Secure Information Transmission In Mobile Adhoc Network852 Words  | 4 PagesTransmission in Mobile Adhoc Network Harsha Jain Pranita Jain Department of Computer Science Engineering Department of Computer Science Engineering SATI College SATI College Civil Lines, Vidisha, M.P., India Civil Lines, Vidisha, M.P., India Abstract An Ad-hoc mobile network is an assembly of wireless transportable nodes devotedly creating a short-lived network lacking the use of any core-existing centralized administration or network infrastructure. MANET
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Symbolism means like any place, person or thing that is something but can be interpreted in a different way. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a short story that shows symbolism, to give hints about the story in all the characters and objects in the story. This Short story takes place in the summer where a small town has a lottery every year round. The person that wins the lottery has a huge impact on the town and the crops that grow in it. Old man Warner is the oldest in the town and has been in more than seventy lotteries he likes to go by tradition and doesn’t like to change it up. Mrs. Hutchinson on the other hand doesn’t want to go by the tradition and thinks that the lottery is a huge mistake for the town. At the†¦show more content†¦The objects of â€Å" The Lottery â€Å" by Shirley Jackson also have symbolic references to the story each main object that has an impact in the story has a meaning of behind them. The Black Box the stoning the paper with the black dot all represent something in the story. The Black Box represents death. â€Å" Old box represents the tradition of the lottery itself. â€Å" The Black Box â€Å" is shown as death the color of death is black as well is the box. When the person takes out the card with a black dot in the middle of it they will be stoned to death! The box also know for evil â€Å" The new ( original ) box may had made the tradition more powerful , because you can’t question a tradition once it has moved beyond reason to simply the way things are done. â€Å" Hutchinson pulled the card from the black box and know she would have to be stoned to death. The black box is symbolizing death , sacrificing and evil. Stones â€Å" Symbolizes death but also the villagers unanimous support of the lottery tradition. â€Å" Mrs. Hutchinson will be stoned to DEATH by huge and â€Å" smooth stones. â€Å" The towns people try to get the smooth rocks so that way they kill the person that gets the paper with the black dot slowly and painfully , because if they would get big and pointy rocks the person would die faster. They want the person to have a slow sacrificing death , the towns people believe if theyShow MoreRelatedUse of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson1146 Words  | 5 Pageswhat is known as Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of object, name, or person to represent an idea. If a name is being use, a name such as autumn can represent the adulthood of a human. Creatures such as an Eagle, represents ‘Freedom’ and ‘America’. Even inanimate objects can represent ideas; the light bulb represents ideas that just sparked into a character’s head. In the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, a village has just entered the month of June, meaning that the lottery is to begin.Read More The Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Within the first few lines of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery we are faced with such adjectives as clear, sunny, fresh and warmth. She goes on to paint a picture of small children just out of school for the summer, as the townspeople gather for the annual Lottery. This leads us to believe that the rest of the story is as cheery as the summer day initially described. We as the readers are virtually unaware of the horrible senseless eventsRead MoreEssay on The Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson1192 Words  | 5 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson In The Lottery, Shirley Jackson uses symbolism to make us aware of the pointless nature of humanity regarding tradition and violence. The story starts off on a beautiful summer day in a small town. The author describes the day as very euphoric but strikes a contrast between the atmosphere of the town and the atmosphere of the people gathered in the square. The atmosphere is subdued, where the children are gathered aroundRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson910 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis of the Short Story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson explores the subject of tradition in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. A short story is normally evaluated based on its ability to provide a satisfying and complete presentation of its characters and themes. Shirley describes a small village that engages in an annual tradition known as â€Å"the lottery†. Narrating the story from a third person point of view, Shirley uses symbolism, foreshadowing and suspense to illustrateRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Lottery 916 Words  | 4 Pages The Foreshadowing in â€Å"The Lottery†On a warm day in late June, villagers gather in the square to participate in a lottery run by Mr. Summers. The children arrive first and begin collecting stones until their parents call them to order. Mr. Summers calls each head of the household forward to a black wooden box, where each selects a slip of paper. Once the men have chosen, Mr. Summers allows everyone to open the paper and see who wins. Bill Hutchinson wins and his wife immediately starts protestingRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson972 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, is a short story about an annual lottery draw in a small New England town. The town’s people have performed the lottery for more than seventy years. Shirley Jackson gives â€Å"The Lottery†a whole different meaning . The lottery is used for a public stoning, opposing to the very first thing that approaches to a reader s mind when they think of the lottery; a big amount of money . The reader sees both l iteral and metaphorical meaning of the Shirley Jackson’s short storyRead MoreHuman Corruption Of Human Nature1140 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Corruption in â€Å"The Lottery†â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson is a classic short story in U.S literature. Written in 1948, the short story has been published in multiple languages around the world. It is still a required reading in U.S today. The story was later adapted into both a TV short and a play (â€Å"Shirley Jackson’s Bio†). Jackson uses irony and symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†to show the corruption of human nature. The story opens up on a clear June day. It continues to describe an ominousRead MoreThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson And A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner960 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner The use of symbolism is used in literature to enhance writing and add meaning to a story, this is evident in the two short stories â€Å"The Lottery†written by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. With the authors use of symbolism Jackson and Faulkner are able to add depth to their writing in a way that connects with the readers. By adding symbolism to the short storiesRead MoreUse of Symbols in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson981 Words  | 4 PagesMany great authors use symbolism numerous of time in their stories. A symbol is a noun or word that represents a different idea. An author displays the symbols as a hit rather than blurting it out. Symbols are not only used in novels or poems, they are also used in everyday use. For an example, the American flag has fifty stars on it which each star represents a state. On the other hand, the thirteen stripes plays the part of our thirteen colonies; the beginning of our country. Even w ith our highRead MoreAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson993 Words  | 4 Pagesgrow. Shirley Jackson was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. She is most well known for her short story titled â€Å"The Lottery†which was first published in The New Yorker to overwhelming and mixed reviews. The lottery, as portrayed in the short story, is a religious, annual ceremony in the afternoon of June 27. This event is said to be older than Old Man Warner and has lost most of its meaning. Every year, a â€Å"lucky†winner is blindly chosen with the use of a magical Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson In stories there will be objects that will constantly be mentioned within the story. This is what is known as Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of object, name, or person to represent an idea. If a name is being use, a name such as autumn can represent the adulthood of a human. Creatures such as an Eagle, represents ‘Freedom’ and ‘America’. Even inanimate objects can represent ideas; the light bulb represents ideas that just sparked into a character’s head. In the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, a village has just entered the month of June, meaning that the lottery is to begin. When everyone was present, the heads of the households’ names were called one by one to pick up a slip of paper. It was then discovered that the†¦show more content†¦The black box is not only Alliteration, but it is also a symbol in â€Å"The Lottery†. Martine Ma declares, â€Å"The black box holds the key between life or death for every single one of the townspeople†. Inside the black box is a â€Å"slip of paper†(Jackson1870) with â€Å"a black spot†(Jackson1870) that would declare the death of a villager and the sacrifice for the harvest. The black box also represents ‘evil’ in â€Å"The Lottery†. Seth Cassel stated, â€Å"The villagers have become entranced in the gruesome tradition of stoning people.†Proving that the black box has manipulated the townspeople into killing their fellow villagers because of the lottery the black box Ruiz6 brings. The slips of paper also represent something in â€Å"The Lottery†. â€Å"The pieces of paper represent the fragility and feebleness of life,†implies Lucas Sheelat. Paper is proven to be fragile; easy to rip even. Just like the lives in the village their lives hang in the balance of a single slip of paper that can easily tear their very life away. The three-legged stool that carried the black box up is also a symbol in the story. The article â€Å"Symbolism, Imagery, and Allegory: The Black Box and The Three Legged Stool†declares â€Å"The three legs of the stool are like the three aspects of the Christian Trinity.†The Holy Trinity in Christianity is known as the holder of life and all things good. To the villagers, the stool holding up the black box isShow MoreRelatedUse of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson954 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism means like any place, person or thing that is something but can be interpreted in a different way. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a short story that shows symbolism, to give hints about the story in all the characters and objects in the story. This Short story takes place in the summer where a small town has a lottery every year round. The person that wins the lottery has a huge impact on the town and the crops that grow in it. Old man Warner is the oldest in the town andRead More The Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Within the first few lines of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery we are faced with such adjectives as clear, sunny, fresh and warmth. She goes on to paint a picture of small children just out of school for the summer, as the townspeople gather for the annual Lottery. This leads us to believe that the rest of the story is as cheery as the summer day initially described. We as the readers are virtually unaware of the horrible senseless eventsRead MoreEssay on The Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson1192 Words  | 5 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson In The Lottery, Shirley Jackson uses symbolism to make us aware of the pointless nature of humanity regarding tradition and violence. The story starts off on a beautiful summer day in a small town. The author describes the day as very euphoric but strikes a contrast between the atmosphere of the town and the atmosphere of the people gathered in the square. The atmosphere is subdued, where the children are gathered aroundRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson910 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis of the Short Story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson explores the subject of tradition in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. A short story is normally evaluated based on its ability to provide a satisfying and complete presentation of its characters and themes. Shirley describes a small village that engages in an annual tradition known as â€Å"the lottery†. Narrating the story from a third person point of view, Shirley uses symbolism, foreshadowing and suspense to illustrateRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Lottery 916 Words  | 4 Pages The Foreshadowing in â€Å"The Lottery†On a warm day in late June, villagers gather in the square to participate in a lottery run by Mr. Summers. The children arrive first and begin collecting stones until their parents call them to order. Mr. Summers calls each head of the household forward to a black wooden box, where each selects a slip of paper. Once the men have chosen, Mr. Summers allows everyone to open the paper and see who wins. Bill Hutchinson wins and his wife immediately starts protestingRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson972 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, is a short story about an annual lottery draw in a small New England town. The town’s people have performed the lottery for more than seventy years. Shirley Jackson gives â€Å"The Lottery†a whole different meaning . The lottery is used for a public stoning, opposing to the very first thing that approaches to a reader s mind when they think of the lottery; a big amount of money . The reader sees both l iteral and metaphorical meaning of the Shirley Jackson’s short storyRead MoreHuman Corruption Of Human Nature1140 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Corruption in â€Å"The Lottery†â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson is a classic short story in U.S literature. Written in 1948, the short story has been published in multiple languages around the world. It is still a required reading in U.S today. The story was later adapted into both a TV short and a play (â€Å"Shirley Jackson’s Bio†). Jackson uses irony and symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†to show the corruption of human nature. The story opens up on a clear June day. It continues to describe an ominousRead MoreThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson And A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner960 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner The use of symbolism is used in literature to enhance writing and add meaning to a story, this is evident in the two short stories â€Å"The Lottery†written by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. With the authors use of symbolism Jackson and Faulkner are able to add depth to their writing in a way that connects with the readers. By adding symbolism to the short storiesRead MoreUse of Symbols in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson981 Words  | 4 PagesMany great authors use symbolism numerous of time in their stories. A symbol is a noun or word that represents a different idea. An author displays the symbols as a hit rather than blurting it out. Symbols are not only used in novels or poems, they are also used in everyday use. For an example, the American flag has fifty stars on it which each star represents a state. On the other hand, the thirteen stripes plays the part of our thirteen colonies; the beginning of our country. Even w ith our highRead MoreAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson993 Words  | 4 Pagesgrow. Shirley Jackson was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. She is most well known for her short story titled â€Å"The Lottery†which was first published in The New Yorker to overwhelming and mixed reviews. The lottery, as portrayed in the short story, is a religious, annual ceremony in the afternoon of June 27. This event is said to be older than Old Man Warner and has lost most of its meaning. Every year, a â€Å"lucky†winner is blindly chosen with the use of a magical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Causes of Climate Change. Is It Nature of Negligence
BRETT LUCAS TRINITY COLLEGE L6 SCIENCE GEOGRAPHY CLIMATE CHANGE: NATURE OR NEGLIGENCE The climate of our world is changing, but why? There is a great debate going on in the scientific community on whether our current climate change crisis is a natural occurrence over millions of years – as what has happened on the planet of Mars – or this natural process is being accelerated by man’s negligence. But first we must establish what is climate change? Climate Change is a long-term shift in the statistics of weather (taken from October 2007 article on Climate Change). Throughout our planets long history our climate has changed between hot and cold in each time period from the Precambrian period to today. The Earth’s climate†¦show more content†¦Winds push horizontally against the sea surface and drive ocean current patterns. Ocean currents influence certain parts of the world more than others. For example the Humboldt Current that flows along the coastline of Peru directly affects the coast off of Peru and other adjoining re gions. The El Nià ±o in the Pacific Ocean affects the climatic conditions all over the world due to the ocean currents. Ocean currents can affect places that share the same latitude in Europe and North America. Any of these phenomena can have an impact on the climate, as is believed to have happened at the end of the last Ice – Age, about 14000 years ago. Human Causes Use of Oil, Coal and Natural Gas With the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century, we saw the large-scale use of fossil fuels (such as Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal) for industrial activities (factories, electricity). These activities created jobs and over the years people moved from rural areas to cities. In the present day we use these fossil fuels on a much larger scale to power almost every thing, which in turn let out millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide each day increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which creates more heat coming down to the earth, melting our polar ice capes and raising sea levels. Further heated seas will increase the number and intensity of hurricanes and other climatic natural disasters around the world (for exampleShow MoreRelatedThe Current Law Regarding Teacher s Liability For Personal Injury1260 Words  | 6 Pagesamendment that ‘the state has a right to recover contributions from employees who are subsequently found to have engaged in conduct other than in good faith and where it amounts to gross negligence.’Subsequently, while the Queensland government has allowed for such legislative framework, transfiguration of political climates may affect the status of this legislation. Consequently, the state governments of Australia have similar policies in regards to the liabilities of teachers for personal injury. UnderRead MoreEffects Of Pollution On The Chinese Economy786 Words  | 4 PagesSouthern climate change forces farmers to migrate which directly contributes to the level of poverty and adds to the suffering of the poor. Traditionally, these individuals would at least be able to survive through farming and growing their own food but in urban areas these individuals will be unable to grow their own food. Collier asserts that the poorest states are in need of rapid economic growth which creates tension between poverty reduction and the perversion of nature. This is mostRead MoreThe Role of Business in Protecting the Environment1568 Words  | 7 Pagesmanufacture of products and delivery of services for consumption involve necessarily the usage and conversion of raw materials. This process unavoidably produces waste. Indeed the processed product itself is destined to become waste as well. That is the nature of consumer goods; they are purchased, used and replaced. The production of the product will consume most of the resources, but even its utilization and eventual disposal consumes more. There is no escaping the fact that what goes in, must (inevitably)Read Moreunnatural disaster coal1169 Words  | 5 PagesUnnatural Disaster? Coal project Research Questions 1) Explain the following: Coal an Unnatural Disaster? An unnatural coal disaster is one caused by human error or negligence, there have been many unnatural coal disasters from past to present such as Turtle Mountain in Canada .Normal erosion due to weather changes played a part in this unnatural disaster but the biggest factor was inadequate support beams .which in turn caused gigantic slab of limestone rock weighing 75millions tons brokeRead MoreBuilding Inside The Home Assembling Industry1304 Words  | 6 Pages With low fund rates more Americans are acquiring homes than any other time in recent memory, however the nature of these mass developed homes is dropping. Envision crushing your spirit for a long time to put something aside for your first home and losing it all and more on the grounds that your home succumbed to a blaze. This is a typical illustration of what may happen when a house is inadequately developed. Home developers are neglecting the highly required wellbeing regulations when figuringRead MoreThe Restoration Of The Library Gardens Complex881 Words  | 4 PagesThe Library Gardens complex is an apartment complex located in an area of the San Francisco Bay amid a damp climate, meaning that it is a â€Å"highly corrosive environment because of the salt water coming off the bay, and the winds and the fog drive that salt water to the buildings and can cause earlier deterioration of the buildings†(Source 1), that combined with improper waterproofing could have led to extensive dry rot in a fairly new building. No destructive inspections were performed on the balconiesRead MoreThe Natural Resources Of The Earth1727 Words  | 7 Pagesenvironment is responding and it all starts by understanding what the Earth already has and needs to continue to maintain. Considering the planet and everything that is done to the Earth is demanded from nature, acknowledging humans’ habits, that are ruining the atmosphere, will encourage an inspiring change towards a healthy and cleaner environment. â€Å"There has been a rapid growth in knowledge and technology, so that humans now face choices†¦ that affect the continuation of humanity and the world withinRead MoreIssues Associated With Climate Change1809 Words  | 8 Pagesbelow. The existence of our nation depends on the commitments that are to emerge from the UN climate change conference in Paris. This statement is not a metaphor, as the disappearance of land territory is a reality; rising se a levels could have Tuvalu completely submerged under water soon. Our primary goal was for these commitments to have legal force, primarily because issues associated with climate change permeate national boundaries. US or Australian emissions, for example, are having adverse effectsRead MoreA Short Note On Alleviate The Water Crisis1872 Words  | 8 Pagescomes destroys everything ahead. And because of the government’s negligence towards environmental matters, the population that was not prepared for this chaos were the first to suffer the consequences. Now, the population has been facing several emergency actions from the government, such as water cutoffs during the day and the increasing water and electricity bills. In addition, the citizens have been facing changes in the climate, which leads to a difficulty in business for many of them. The waterRead MoreEssay about The Detrimental Effects of Global Warming1775 Words  | 8 Pagesmorning sun begins to shed its lig ht on the city below. Turning off the alarm, James removes his Dexcron SleepInhaler 4000 to breathe in what little oxygen he can. Feeling light-headed, he quickly dresses into the day’s apparel consisting of a climate controlled, blue bio-suit and an oxygen tank. Today marks the first day of the month so he turns his calendar as he walks towards the door. He closes the door wondering what caused the world to be this way. All he can remember is that the temperature
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Direct Selling Investment Valuation
Question: Describe about the Direct Selling for Investment Valuation. Answer: Part A: Internal and External Factors affecting the Pricing Strategy Internal Factors: Return on investments- the marketing objectives need to focus on the percentage return on the expenditures associated with the products. Cash Flow- The sales price will be structured at a rate that will ensure the return of the production charges (Danziger, Hadar and Morwitz 2014). Market Share- The pricing decision is important for ensuring the new market retaining purposes. External Factors: Customers Expectations: The expectation of the customers and the channel distributors is the major obstacle for setting the price of the product. Elasticity of the Demands: Understanding the changes of the prices as per the market preferences. Direct Competitor Pricing- The direct competition prices of the rivalries affect the pricing structure more significantly. Techniques for determining the prices There are two types of techniques that can be used for setting the price. First, the effective product packaging system would be beneficial for making the products attractive to the customers (Li, Xu and Li 2013). On the other hand, the unique value added features of the products are effective enough to attract the customers. It will suggest the competition with the other rivalries in the market. Short Term Pricing Strategy One of the beneficial short time pricing strategies is the pricing penetration strategy. This strategy refers that the price of the products will be set lower at the initial stage (Phillips and Gully 2015). It will be helpful in attracting the customers with lower prices of the products. Once the product demands get higher, the reasonable price will be implemented. Payment Term Option If concentrated on the payment term option, it is noted that the early payment discounts would be much beneficial. The early payment discounts allows the customers to pay on time, which creates the less impact on the profits of thin-margin products. For instance, the customer can receive the 60 days credit by considering 5% of discount amount. It is a fruitful payment option to attract more customers towards the products. Achieving the selling purpose There should be the media channel, which will connect the customers with the customer care executives (Damodaran 2012). After purchasing the products, the customers need to provide their feedback or the customer care executives need to communicate with the customers to understand whether they are satisfied or not. The after sale service will determine the re-purchasing behaviour of the customers. Responses to the Queries Following up the customers responses is essential to derive the idea about their concerns. Hence, the customer care executives send the mail to the customers for replying to their responses. The customer care executives need to encourage the customers to present their concerns regarding any of the issues that they have been facing while banking with them. In fact, if any of the customers requires discussing over any critical matter, the face-to-face meeting can be arranged accordingly. Accessibility of the Customers a) The customers can access the accurate information by communicating with the customer case executives over the phone call. In case of any other specific queries or confidential matter, the face-to-face dealing will also be beneficial for providing the accurate information to the customers (Ragland, Widmier and Brouthers 2015). b) The online transaction pages are available in the internet. However, in order to maintain the higher security, the direct transaction or card transaction will also be available for the customers. Assessment 2: Part B Skills required for the staffs The efficient and clear communication with the customers is necessary for making the customers aware of the product specifications. Therefore, the staffs need to improve the interpersonal communication skills for communicating with the customers. It helps in building the effective relationship with the customers and generates the sense of reliability. Customer feedback The continuous feedbacks and following up the customers would be helpful for understanding whether they are happy with the products or services. The quality of the products will be determined while setting the pricing strategy. Recognising such aspects would be much beneficial for determining the fair dealings with the customers. Assistance of the Staffs The customer executives can provide the feedback form to the customers where the customers will provide their responses regarding their experiences of using the products. This form is needed to be dropped in the drop boxes set for gathering the feedbacks. Moreover, the customers can provide their feedbacks to the websites of the respective company. If the customers need to discuss any of the critical matter, the service executives will call them up and discuss the matter over the phone call. In case of extreme consequences, the customer care manager may arrange the face-to-face conversation meeting with the customers. References Damodaran, A., 2012.Investment valuation: Tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset(Vol. 666). John Wiley Sons. Danziger, S., Hadar, L. and Morwitz, V.G., 2014. Retailer pricing strategy and consumer choice under price uncertainty.Journal of Consumer Research,41(3), pp.761-774. Ellickson, P.B., Misra, S. and Nair, H.S., 2012. Repositioning dynamics and pricing strategy.Journal of Marketing Research,49(6), pp.750-772. Li, Y., Xu, L. and Li, D., 2013. Examining relationships between the return policy, product quality, and pricing strategy in online direct selling.International Journal of Production Economics,144(2), pp.451-460. Phillips, J.M. and Gully, S.M., 2015.Strategic staffing. Pearson. Ragland, C.B., Widmier, S. and Brouthers, L.E., 2015. A Factor Endowment Approach to International Market Selection for Direct Selling. InIdeas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old(pp. 474-474). Springer International Publishing.
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