Thursday, December 26, 2019
History And Overview Of Barclays In India - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1851 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Background Unlike most rapidly expanding, emerging markets, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s banking sector has exhibited financial stability and a trend towards improved governance under the management of its central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Today, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s banking industry is one of the major beneficiaries of the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ascendant economic power. Improving consumer purchasing power, coupled with more liberal attitudes towards personal debt, is fueling Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s explosive banking segment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History And Overview Of Barclays In India" essay for you Create order The primary objective of the study was to find whether the customers are satisfied with their existing banks. The secondary objective of the study was to find out: Are the customers aware about Barclays? What type of facilities, both client and technological, do the customers want. Public sector banks in India are facing stiff competition from their private sector counterpart. On top of the challenges that are posed by the competitors before the retail banking sector in India, are the regulations imposed by the top body over the industry frontage and the array of choices available to the customers. Retail banking refers to banking in which banks undertake transactions directly with clients, rather than company or other banks. Services offered by the banks include: mortgages, savings and checking accounts, debit cards, personal loans, credit cards, etc. The key issues analyzed in the report are: Market analysis of different product segments in the retail banking industry. Factors driving the growth of retail banking industry in India. This report covers a wide range of issues related to the Work Place Banking (Salary Accounts) in India. In formulating this report, I had to really get to the grass root level of banking, customer services and their implementation in India. The best possible tests have been used where ever needed to get to the correct results for determining what is beneficial and what is not beneficial for the organization. The report also analysis the past issues as well as discusses the action and strategies to be taken by the retail banking industry in future. Introducing Barclays PLC Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services, with an extensive international presence in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia. With more than 300 years of existence and knowledge in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs 135,000 people. Barclays invests, lends, move, and protects money for over 30 million clients and consumers worldwide. History of Barclays PLC This bank traces its roots back in 1690 in London. The name Barclays became associated with the business in 1736, when James Barclay, son-in-law of one of the founders became a partner in the business. In 1728, the bank moved to 54 Lombard Street, which was identified by the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Sign of Black Spread Eagleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, over the years becoming a core part of bankà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s identity. The bank took its name from Alexander and David Barclay, who provided credit to transatlantic slave traders. Barclays has many U.K high street branches and it has also joined up with the post office ltd to provide personal banking services to customers who lived near post office branch and who need financial services such as secured and unsecured loan Barclays in India Barclays unveiled its Global Retail and Commercial Banking division in India over the past year as part of its plan to be a leading global bank. In a very short span of time, Barclays is already making waves in India one of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fastest growing countries. The commercial banking division, which began its operations in late November 2006, services a variety of leading Indian corporation from large multinationals and public sector companies to small and medium enterprises. It offers great facilities of loans, payments cash management services, deposits, trade finance and funds solutions. Barclays customer banking services were launched in May 2007 with a group of products that give our customers better control over their finances. Our offer includes inventive proposition such as personal loans that come with smaller monthly repayments and credit cards that allow customers to choose their payment date. This facility has helped Barclays connect with Indian customers and become the ideal option in the centres we are present in. Barclays is scattering its reach across India and now has 4 offices in the country. We have our main office in the financial center of Mumbai in Western India. We have recently reinforced our presence in Northern India with a branch in Delhi, capital of India, which is also one of the subcontinentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s key business centres. Additionally, Barclays has a branch in Kanchipuram, which is near Chennai, and another at Nelamangala near Bangalore, both of which cover important nodes in Southern India. CRITICAL REVIEW OF LITERATURE Retail banking refers to the dealing of commercial banks with individual customers, both on liabilities and assets sides of the balance sheet. Fixed, current or savings accounts on the liabilities side and mortgages, loans etc. on the property side, are the more important of the products offered by the banks. Related services include debit cards, credit cards, dedicated services etc. Todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s retail banking sector is characterized by three basic characteristics: Multiple products( deposits, credit cards, insurance, investments and securities) Multiple channels of distribution (call centres, branch, internet etc.) Multiple customer groups( consumer, small businesses and corporate) Researches done in the past on Retail Banking have concluded that the Retail Banking in India has fast emerged as one of the major drivers of the overall banking industry and has witnessed enormous growth in the recent past. The Retail Banking Report encompasses extensive study analysis of this rapidly growing sector. It mainly covers study of the present status, current trends, major issues challenges in the growth of the retail banking sector. The retail banking strategies of banks are undergoing major transformation, as banks adopt a mix of strategies like organic growth, acquisitions and alliances. This has resulted in a standard shift in the marketing strategies of the banks. Public Sector Banks players are adopting aggressive strategies, leveraging their branch network and their customer vase to earn a larger share of the retail pie. Banks are also going in for innovative strategies like cross selling and packaged selling of retail products. At the same time, new foreign players are also entering this high growth sector and one of such player i s BARCLAYS BANK. Barclays is among the leading bank of U.K. Retail Banking in India continues to redefine the credit growth in the country. It grew by a whopping 44.4% in 2005-06 to touch Rs3,538 billion. Different foreign banks like HSBC, ABNAMRO, CITI BANK, STANDARD CHARTERED, DEUTSCHE BANK were quick to realize the growth opportunity in India were as BARCLAYS BANK is a late entrant, but it is trying its level best to compete and match up the standards with different leading banks. Currently overall, banking in India is considered as fairly mature in terms of supply, product range and reach-even though reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the private sector and foreign banks. Even in terms of quality of assets and capital competence, Indian banks are considered to have sparkling, strong and clear balance sheets, as compared to other banks in similar economies in its region. The Reserve Bank of India is an independent body, with minimal force from the government. The confirmed policy of the Bank on the Indian Rupee is to manage volatility-without any declared exchange rate and this has mostly been true. With the growth in the Indian economy likely to be strong for quite some time, especially in its services sector, the demand for banking services-especially retail banking, mortgages and investment services are expected to be strong. MAs, takeovers, asset sales and much more action (as it is unraveling in China) will happen on this front in India. The Reserve Bank of India in March 2007, allowed Warburg Pincus to boost its chance in Kotak Mahindra Bank (a private sector bank) to 10%. This is the first time an investor has been allowed to hold more than 5% in a private sector bank since the RBI announced norms in 2006 that any stake exceeding 5% in the private sector banks would need to be vetted by them. Currently, India has 88 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) 28 public sector banks (that is with the Government of India holding a stake), 29 private banks (these do not have government stake; they may be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges) and 31 foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs. As per the report by ICRA Ltd, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over 75 percent of total assets of the banking industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively. There is an increase in the retail banking products in India because of the changing consumer demographics. The middle class people are increasingly affluent and bulging. India is having the youngest population in the world with increasingly literacy levels. Therefore a younger population means a bigger opportunity. Some of the other reasons for retail growth are: Increasing availability Entry of banks has led to increased competition and coverage Increasing use of technology has further enhanced reach and accessibility Key Products Analyzed Key products analyzed in this report include: Work Place Banking (Salary Saving Account). Key Players Analyzed This section provides an overview, and key facts of several key players like PNB, ICICI and Barclays bank. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (a) Objective of study The primary objective of the study was to find whether the companies are satisfied with their existing banks. The secondary objective of the study was to find out: Are the customers aware about Barclays? What type of facilities, both client and technological, do the customers want. (b) Problem definition How to make the companies aware about Barclays and its features. (c) Hypothesis Null Hypothesis Ho : Customers are satisfied with the services provided by their existing bank. Alternative Hypothesis Ha : Customers are not satisfied with the services provided by their existing bank. (d) Research design The research design adopted is a combination of exploratory, formal and descriptive. Since the study is based on a analyzing through data collected by survey so it is formal and it has certain elements of exploration as well. And since the study is related with measuring where or whether, it is descriptive in nature. To achieve the above objective of the study, the following instruments were used- Questionnaires- It consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or a set of forms. People have to answer the questions themselves. To do the above research, we used a structured questionnaire which had 12 questions about the respondentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ interest in SALARY ACCOUNT-BARCLAYS, its services, their satisfaction with services and technology etc. (e) Sample design A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. For this research we have chosen simple random probability sampling. Sample size- 50 (f) Data Primary data collected through questionnaires. Secondary data collected through various sources given in references.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Current Era of Globalization with...
Assignment one Student name: Hyde Zhu Student number: 220089143 Course code: MM202 Assignment question: topic 1 Compare and contrast the current era of globalization with the first age of globalization (1850s-1920s). What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in its current context? Word count: 1530 Unit Coordinator: Dr Tony Ramsay I am going to contrast the current era of globalization with the first age of globalization in many different aspects, in the mean time analysis the merits and demerits of globalization in its current context. John and Kenneth (2012, p. 28) find that the concept of globalization means the trend toward greater economic, cultural, political, and technological interdependence. With the†¦show more content†¦According to John and Kenneth (2012, p. 31), political leaders of over 20 nations decided to made the organization named General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to promote free trade by reducing both tariffs and nontariff barriers to international trade. Besides, the World Trade Organization is also aim to deal with the trade issues. The three main goals of the WTO are to help the free flow of trade, help negotiate further opening of markets, and settle trade disputes among its members ( World Trade Organization [WTO], para. 2). Over all, the trade in the first age of g lobalization was much freely than it today. At the same time, the trade today is well organized and reasonable. Technology could change the world. The first industrial revolution led the world to the age of steam. The transportation around the world increased rapidly. During the first age of globalization, steam machines like steamship and trains did promote the process of globalization. By contrast, the current key technology term would be the internet. The net work did enhance the connection of the world, the people from anywhere of the world could communicate through the internet. Due to the new technology, the world trade could be much easier. Moreover, with the development of the high technology the speed of the transportations were increased obviously. Globalization brings vast benefits to the world. It helps backward countriesShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesunit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case canRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 PagesPress in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York ß Oxford University Press 2006 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Summary Of A Christmas Carol Essay Example For Students
A Summary Of A Christmas Carol Essay A Summary of A Christmas CarolMatt Toback1). This story takes place in London, England. The time is winter and it startsthe day before Christmas, also known as Christmas Eve. The settings of the bookinclude Scrooges Counting House, Scrooges Home, Bob Cratchits home, assortedplaces throughout Scrooges childhood like the schoolhouse and the Fizziwigsplace where Scrooge was an apprentice, this is where a Christmas party tookplace and he met the one love of his life. Then it skips to Scrooges love ofhis life when she is married and they speaks about Scrooge and how he is now ina world of his money. Also it shows the exchange, homeless people under a bridge,and a cemetery. 2). The four main characters in the book are Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, BobCratchit, and Ebenezer Scrooges nephew, Fred. First, lets examine Ebenezer Scrooge, since he is the main character of thestory, All 3 ghosts visit him. Through him, the lesson of the story is to belearned. In the book, he is made out to be Anti-Christmas and he is constantlycommented about by characters in the book, some feeling pity, others feelinghostility. External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm,no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than heNobody everstopped in the street to say, with gladsome looks, My dear Scrooge, how areyou? When will you come to see me?. No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle,no children asked him what it was oclock, no man or woman ever once in all hislife inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. (Dickens 14). Next there is Tiny Tim, he seems to be a symbol of hope in this story eventhough he has to use a crutch to walk and he is very small. Despite hisdisability, he constantly keeps the spirit up and tries to maintain it in allhis brothers, sisters, and parents, even though they are poor. He is the epitomeof the Christmas spirit, that which should inhibit all of us. He told me,coming home, that he hoped the people saw him because he was a cripple, and itmight be pleasant to them to remember, upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggarswalk and blind men see. (125). This quote just shows how thoughtful he is, andhow much he cares for others. Tiny Tims father Bob Cratchit is next on my list. He is an employee ofScrooge and he is the only one in the Cratchit family to thank him genuinely forthe job and the pay that he has given him to support his family and keep food intheir stomachs. and in came little Bob, the father, with at least three feetof comforter, exclusive on the fringe, hanging down before him, and histhreadbare clothes all darned up to look seasonable, and Tiny Tim upon hisshoulder.(121). The fathers love for his family bleed through the fact thatthey are poor and Scrooge sees this in the way they act. The last but not least major character is Scrooges nephew, Fred. He seemsto be the only individual who comes to converse with Scrooge and offer himanything. In this case, Fred offered him an invitation to his house forChristmas dinner. Fred is convinced at the beginning of the story that Scroogedoesnt really mean Bah!Humbug! (18) no matter how many times he says it. Fred is presented cheerful and in high spirits. He had so heated himself withrapid walking in the fog and frost, this nephew of Scrooges, that he was all ina glow; his face ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled, and his breath smokedagain. (18). As I said before, Fred is one of the few that feels pity forScrooge. 3). The book starts off talking about Jacob Marley, Scrooges formerbusiness partner. It basically says that he was dead as a door-nail (11). Thenit moves to Scrooges counting house where he converses with Fred. Then two mencome in to ask for a donation and Scrooge shoos them away quickly enough. ThenBob Cratchit come in for a days work and Scrooge is stingy about putting coal onthe fire. At this point in the book, Scrooge is not made out to be a nice,caring, giving man. When Scrooge goes home, he is confronted by the ghost ofMarley who tells him that he will be haunted by three spirits over the course ofthe next three days, each at One Oclock. The first spirit that comes is theGhost of Christmas Past. This spirit takes Scrooge back to his childhood wherehe sees a very lonely boy engulfed in his books without a friend. Then they skipahead in time and see when Scrooge was an apprentice to Mr. Fizziwig. Thisepisode shows the Christmas party that Old Fizziwig threw and here is where hemet the love of his life. Once again the ghost skips ahead to a time whenScrooge and the woman are speaking. She says that she has been replaced by agolden idol and there is not any room for her anymore. After this, the firstGhost leaves. The next ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Present as come to show himhow his hostility toward others affect the way people live. The majority of thetrip takes place at the Cratchits home. Here, Scrooge sees Tiny Tims hope andthe togetherness of the family. I personally think this scene is one of the mostimportant in convincing Scrooge to change. Then Scrooge is transported to hisnephew Freds house where he is having his Christmas party. He then sees thateven his nephew mocks him. Then the ghost takes him to what would be consideredthe bad part of town, under a bridge. There he sees a truly poor family, thisone without a home. Even here the family stays together and refuses to be brokenup, despite their disposition. The Ghost of Christmas Present leaves and then heenc ounters the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. This ghost is very mysterious,never talking. It merely points with its long, narrow fingers. The scene againis the Cratchits, this time sorrow instead of joy. Tiny Tim has died and thefamily mourns his pasing. Bob just returned from the cemetery and comments abouthow beautiful it is. Next the ghost shows how the people of the town react to amans death. No one seems to care about the loss of this wretched human being. .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .postImageUrl , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:hover , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:visited , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:active { border:0!important; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:active , .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48 .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8c0bd43c79dfe88a332b926439921f48:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: None Provided21 Essay SummaryEven some people steal his belongings out from under his dead body in his ownbed. Scrooge does not realize they are all talking about him until the ghosttakes him to the cemetery when Scrooge sees his own gravestone. From this pointon Scrooge begs the ghost to let him change his lifestyle and try to change itfor the better. When Scrooge wakes up he realizes that it is Christmas Day. Hestarts his new life of good will by buying a prize goose for the Cratchits. Thenhe makes a donation to the men that he shooed away the day before and he jo inshis nephew Fred for his Christmas dinner and Tiny Tim lives!4). The first ghost, The Ghost of Christmas P ast- This apparition comes toScrooge to show him where his pain is coming from and when he turned his lifetoward the direction of money. The spirit was like a child; yet not so like achild as like an old man , viewed through some supernatural medium, which gavehim the appearance of having receded from the view, and being diminished to achilds proportion. Its hairwas white, as if with age; and yet the face hadnot wrinkledIt wore a tunic of purest white; and round its waist was bound alustrous belt, the sheen of which was beautiful. (63). The second ghost, TheGhost of Christmas Present- This ghost shows how Scrooges lifestyle hasaffected the people who he has contact with. Every man and woman that knows himor knows of him have a set idea of him. A mean, old, stickler. The spirit was clothed in one simple, deep-green robe, or mantle, bordered with whitefur.(107). He had a holly wreath, a scabbard without a sword, and dark-browncurls. The third ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come- This third ghost wasvery mysterious, Scrooge made most of the conclusions during this time himself,although very self-explanatory. I personally think that this apparition carriedthe most weight in changing Scrooge. It made him greatly sorry for his sinfulbehavior of his past and vowed to change his life. Not much was said about thespirit except that it was dressed darkly and did not speak, only pointed. 5). The message that Dickens is trying to get across is one of happiness. If youlive your life in seclusion, only speaking to those who you must and alwaysbeing nasty, you can never be truly happy. Dickens uses Scrooge as the epitomeof selfishness and we are suppose to realize this and contrast it with TinyTims attitude of caring and sharing. He is the epitome of joy and hope. He isthe person in the book with who we are suppose to learn from. The ghost are theconduit from which we are to understand the past, present, and future of anunhappy man. 6.) Life in the 1800s was one of simplicity, everyone seemed to know eachother in their area. People lived and worked in their neighborhood, whichbrought a greater sense of community and family values. Some Christmas customswere hanging candles from a tree instead of ornaments. Holidays always seemed tobe a gathering of people to celebrate the occasion. The dress in the time periodseemed to be top hats, slacks, vest, and a coat. From the movie that we watched,the style seemed very formal. When speaking to another person, it was speakingin proper English, never a Yo or a Whaz up. This is because of the timeperiod and the slang we use now had developed with our generation. Although verydifferent, it is very ,much alike. A Christmas Carol was a very good book and alesson to be learned by all, and in the words of Tiny Tim, God Bless Us, everyone (130) !
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Micro financing your content strategy
Blogs are proliferating at the astounding rate of over 100,000 per day. They reflect both the both urge to communicate and the changing face of marketing. Funding a blog can be challenging, especially when you are starting out. However, micro-financing web content promotion is possible – so micro that it could be free!Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Micro financing your content strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More You may be blogging for the sheer joy of sharing your ideas, or to mobilize action on a favorite cause. Alternatively, you could be blogging for pay, promoting something you or someone else sells. Commercial blog is a growing category. These days, almost any product, service, or cause should probably have an associated website and blog to let prospective customers or supporters know about it. Such commercial blogging’s growth reflects drastic changes in marketing. Many traditional channels for promotion such as network (and even cable) television, print periodicals, and broadcast radio, are giving way to online alternatives. Even print Yellow Pages effectiveness has fallen prey to the switch away from landlines (up to 75% of some demographic groups). These factors pose a challenge for you as a blogger. You face a challenge in alerting your target audience that your expertise exists. Your audience also needs to be able to find you from any and all devices. This, then, is where promoting your website content (as differentiated from promoting your product, idea, service, or cause, which the blog itself accomplishes) becomes crucial. How can you promote your website content cheaply? Some tools cost quite a bit, but others, happily, require no expenditure except of your time, energy, good writing, and marketing acumen. The most fashionable buzzword in web content promotion right now is ‘native advertising’. No less an eminence than the New York Times has announced native advertising for their online edition. A separate writing and production studio will ensure that only high quality â€Å"continuously scrolling multimedia storytelling pagesâ€Å" will accompany hard news, and look like them too, while promoting the advertiser.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This disturbingly parallels science fiction’s dystopian vision of future ads irritatingly tailored to a reader’s idiosyncratic preferences. Native advertising, however, while definitely cutting edge, still seems a bit high end, and you probably don’t possess a fully equipped studio like the Grey Lady of journalism! Now, can you accomplish something similar for little or no money? Yes, and here are several rules of thumb to keep your own website busily promoting itself. You need to generate content that is worth reading: If your blog promotes without cessation, it will be decidedly unappealing. The challenge is to find new ways – consistently – to discuss topics related to your website content in ways that are useful to your readers. Solve problems, illuminate unanswered questions, untangle unresolved mysteries, amuse, instruct, and point your reader in new and hopeful, helpful directions. A really useful web page, like Thomas the Tank’s ‘really useful engine’, will be a happy place to which a reader will wish to return frequently. You need to learn what content your readers want so you can promote it better: This involves using social media to the maximum to connect with your readers. You can talk about your blog on Facebook, LinkedIn, and let your readers talk about it too. Just be careful not to impose on your contacts. This sort of interaction with your audience is termed SMO, or Social Media Optimization. You need to make yourself findable via SEO The web’s spider bots need y our help to find you. Use best SEO techniques to give them ample signals of your presence. Exploit all potential spots in your website to cleverly slide in keywords. Keyword choice is its own science, and it requires that you know what your readers are seeking (see above regarding reader interaction).Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Micro financing your content strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Opportunities to feature your keywords pop up in a variety of places. These could include: Title tag The META description tag – in the first 150 characters META keywords tag In headers and sub headers within the body of the text Content itself, with a density of no more than 3-5% keywords, with a ratio of one page of content for one keyword. Any text you have hyperlinked The ‘breadcrumbs’ you included to remind readers how they got to this page, e.g., writing/editing- resumes- prices Alt att ributes – these describe embedded images for those readers who are using accessibility software Title attributes – These clarify what an HTML element in your webpage does File names, whether of images or other files embedded in your webpage. In anything you do using SEO, you need to avoid imposing on your readers with too many keywords to allow for readability. The task of SEO-oriented copy-writing is not, by the way, a universal talent. There is no shame in not being able to create graceful text incorporating keywords attractively and unobtrusively. You can get help on this task from a global pool of talented writers, at shamefully low rates of pay. The important function of promoting your web content can be micro-financed. If you can afford native advertising on other webpages – wonderful. However, cheaper options exist. You will need to invest some energy and creativity, and exploit all the available SEO and SMO tools, but the result – increasing traf fic, should be worth the investment. This article on Micro financing your content strategy was written and submitted by user Jaylin Sanford to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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